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July 10, 2020

Upstate NY companies announce new HVAC technology for the first time that allows for high-efficiency air filtration of viruses like Covid-19 in residential and commercial buildings

Tech division Aclectic and partners introduce the Adaptive Photonic Controller after testing thousands in upstate New York buildings

ALBANY, NY—Aclectic, an Albany-based technology division of Custom Electronics, Inc., and partners introduce the Adaptive Photonic Controller, which makes it possible to allow cost-effective, high-efficiency air filters to be installed in heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) systems in residential and commercial buildings without replacing the entire HVAC system and/or causing motor malfunction.

The Adaptive Photonic Controller uses photonic technology to upgrade to high-efficiency air filtration in air conditioning, ventilation and heating systems commonly found in residential and commercial buildings such as schools, universities, hospitals, restaurants, retail spaces and assisted living facilities. (Photons are the fundamental particles of light.) The new controller enables fans to run in smart mode at a variable speed, which saves up to 40% electricity and reduces noise levels. Other variable speed controllers are designed for large motors in industrial buildings and usually require substantial system upgrades or complex installations to enable improved air filtration.

“Adding higher efficiency filters to a traditional HVAC system can overwhelm the motors, causing them to malfunction. A way around this is to add larger or special motors in addition to the incredibly expensive industrial controllers to make your air quality better,” explained Dr. Pradeep Haldar, president of Halovation and spokesperson for Aclectic. “Our Adaptive Photonic Controller is a more cost-effective, environmentally friendly solution. It works with existing HVAC systems to easily enable an upgrade to better filters with an increased ability to capture air particles like dust, allergens, microbes, and viruses the size of Covid-19. It’s a game-changer.”

Aclectic was established to develop, manufacture, and commercialize Adaptive Photonic Controller products and solutions as a division of Oneonta, NY manufacturing company Custom Electronics, Inc. Aclectic is working in partnership with Opto Generic Devices, Inc. (OGD, Inc.) in Van Hornesville, NY, the inventor of the photon technology; and Halovation, a technology commercialization company.

The Adaptive Photonic Controller works by running the fan in an air conditioning or heating system at variable speed to provide air flow to match the required energy of a heating or cooling system, resulting in optimum control of the climate in an indoor space without turning off and back on. Because of this, it is more energy efficient and enables tighter temperature control than current residential and commercial heating and cooling systems that routinely turn off and on to control temperature.

“When you stay at a hotel and you’re awakened in the middle of night by the loud noise of a motor turning on and off and a draft of either hot or cold air blowing out of the vent—that’s the type of HVAC system that is available with fixed speed motors in most residential and commercial buildings,” said Art Durham, president of OGD, Inc., and inventor of the technology. “Our compact, easy-to-install controller functions more efficiently.”

Combined with social distancing, masks, and hand-washing, installing high quality air filters can potentially stop the spread of Covid-19, according to Gov. Andrew Cuomo.

Several thousand Adaptive Photonic Controllers have been tested and validated in private and public buildings in New York’s Capital Region and other upstate locations, including at universities, museums, hotels, and multi-family homes.

“We’re ready to share the Adaptive Photonic Controller with the HVAC industry and with end-users such as hotels, schools, hospitals, assisted living facilities, commercial buildings, and multi-family homes—all the places we live our lives,” says Michael Pentaris, CEO of Custom Electronics, Inc. “We specialize in commercializing innovative technology that makes the world better. Aclectic is working with utilities, contractors, installers, electricians, distributors, and end-users to rapidly expand deployment and create jobs.”



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